interpretation and another dream

Sunday, May. 20, 2018, 9:34 PM

so my last entry had a dream and i asked for an interpretation:

"Elements: Condo (that you do not live in), biological father, signing a contract, management voice.

Scripture. Matthew 7:28
Houses are spoken of as life situations. Galatians 3:15 contracts are taken seriously. Luke11:11-13 fathers giving gifts.

Interpretation: there is a situation that is trying to bind you and make you come into agreement with something that looks good, but is not from God."

i have no clue what it could be. i'm involved in nothing at the moment that requires my signature. however, manvsdevil left a note after reading my entry and it sounds dead on:

"Yo, maybe your dream is of his room in heaven which he does't get to... you know the rest, talk about pressure right?"

i've been praying for him...when i remember.

i had another dream.

i'm not sure where i was. i was in someone's yard. i saw a former co-worker, ricky, whom i have no romantic interest in whatsoever. but that didn't stop us from having sex in the yard. i know this was a spiritual dream. what i remember is that i was done with holding back and being cautious even though ricky isn't the person i can imagine being with. but i threw caution to the wind and let myself be loved. can it be love because it was just a physical act??

maybe it was a dream of wholehearted commitment to doing something that i haven't done previously? perhaps i'm going to put my efforts into something/someone that has no beneficial, committed connection to me.

so many possibilities.

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