
Saturday, Mar. 02, 2024, 3:44 PM

i've had quite a few revelations this week. thankfully, i can see God's hand in it all.

at the beginning of feb, i go for my physical because i'm feeling a bit off and tremendously heavy. they weigh me and my good God, i'm 246 pounds. this is why it's a struggle to move well. i meet the the doctor and i tell her my concerns so she requests an a1c, iron, and the usual tests. i get the results from the nurse and she said my a1c was low because i had been fasting for so long. when she said it, i was puzzled. i ran that info by my friend natalee, who's husband is a diabetic (prepairing for a kidney transplant). she said that a1c is a 3-month snapshot of your blood sugar that isn't impacted by fasting. **see God in this?** i login to the patient portal and don't see that an a1c was done, but only glucose. i call the nurse back asking for the difference between glucose and a1c because a1c was requested. she ran it by the doctor and i had to go back to get the a1c. so more blood. this time, i get the results and i'm prediabetic.

the good news is i'm at the absolute lowest on the scale for prediabetes at 5.7. this is reversible. i just have to make a lifestyle change. and even better news, since i got on the scale at the beginning of feb i've hit the desk treadmill very hard and consistently. i'm glad to say that as of today, i've lost 9lbs since feb. i've all but cut out processed foods. focused on smoothies and salads. it hasn't been hard either. well, when i look at the alternative, a healthy lifestyle change is easier.

i committed to 5x a day for 3 hrs or until i reach 10k steps while i'm working. now i'm doing an hour or 2 on my days off. i need to focus on weights next.

to help with my lifestyle, i purchased a digital scale with bluetooth and received it on this past thursday. it has a lot of features that measures the gambit of body measurements including body fat, visceral fat, subcutaneous fat, skeletal muscle, etc. to my dismay i'm 50% body fat. half of my weight is fat. things can't get any more real then that. i also received a digital tape measure so i'm going to measure all my body parts and keep better track of my health.

the nurse also told me my cholesterol was high but not enough to be medicated. she recommended a heart healthy program.

now the other kicker. she said my liver enzymes were too high and i'm dealing with a fatty liver. again i have to lose weight because i'm 2 pts higher than what the scale allows. the scale goes to 29 pts and i'm at 31. my liver at this juncture is foie gras. this explains why my side has been hurting.

i'm concerned about my kidneys. she just leaves notes say that my kidneys are performing very well. every time i see the results, always says low. i may have to get a second opinion on that.

I have to work on evites for a virtual baby shower and eat a salad for dinner. i'll update with another revelation that i experienced this week. this one is not as easy to fix.

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Recognizing the signs at 48 - Friday, Apr. 12, 2024
48 - Sunday, Apr. 07, 2024
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