stepping stones

Friday, Jul. 12, 2019, 12:15 AM

it's after midnight and i'm craving tacos. i'm putting my foot down that i'm no longer eating beef nor chicken. i will transition into vegan without backsliding. all things considered, those are the easiest meats for me to give up. the real struggle lies with eggs, seafood (shellfish primarily) and sausage/bacon. i've been 1 week without meat and dairy. feels good but i'm planning on having meat tomorrow.

i need to pray for discipline in a lot of areas especially when it's concerning my health.

some interesting things have happened recently.

1. i talked to a customer recently and the conversation veered off into a personal one. she talked about everything from autism to title ix. near the end of the conversation she mentioned she's a christian, as did i. she said my position that i have right now is a "stepping stone". the same exact words another christian customer said to me months prior. this still boggles me as i detest my job. the last thing i want is to step up to another position i that makes me talk to more customers. to talk to roughly 80 people a day is mind-numbing work that actually makes me doubt my value as a person.

not only that, this job has made a bigger impact in my life as i don't socialize as much. i just found out that a friend i haven't talked to since december is engaged. another one has been engaged for about a year. another friend (married) is fostering kids and is so close to starting the adoption process if the judge allows it. i'm missing out on my friends' lives. not to mention my life. i've become a hermit.

2. i've been praying about an increase in my income or even a side hustle. trying to find a side hustle failed but a person prayed for me. they said that an increase is coming. the increase due to me becoming more valuable. i know that i'm going through training this week so i'm going to learn something new. i don't see the value in the new subject but we'll see.

3. i've been writing more in my prayer time. i need to focus on writing a book to get published...probably self-published.

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and 20+ years later we talk about what we didn't talk about back then - Tuesday, Jul. 30, 2019
Still lonely - Monday, Jul. 29, 2019
Lonely but not desperate. - Sunday, Jul. 28, 2019
flashback - Saturday, Jul. 27, 2019
deeper - Sunday, Jul. 14, 2019