a dream: a warning of what's to come.

Sunday, Dec. 22, 2019, 7:40 PM

so i had a dream this morning.

i was back at hampton university but in the football dorm. the football dorm was known for having certain types of girls visiting the dorm and i was quite honestly surprised i was in there. alas, i was there. i was flirting with a guy there and i wanted to have some privacy so we could kiss. he takes me to someone's room so we could be alone. the room was a little odd. the bed was high enough that i had to jump up. i sat my phone down and i pulled him close to me. the oddest thing is he had on 2 baseball caps. one of them said "God". i pulled them off his head and put them on the bed so i could kiss him. he became irate that i pulled his caps off his head. he was argumentative and illogical. he stormed out the room. he left me alone in a football dorm and i'm scared out of my mind. i didn't know what to do. i couldn't believe someone would get so mad at me because i pulled off his hats so i could kiss him. i called someone i knew to come and get me. he comes to the room and walks me out. he sees i'm visibly shaken so i tell him the story on the way back to my dorm. we pass a shuttle taking people back to their dorms but we continue to walk. we arrive at my dorm, i profusely thank him for getting me out of there and i hand him 4 dollars to get a ride back to his. he declines. i grab his hand then give him a hug. i remember wanting to kiss him and then i remember i left my phone in the dorm room.

i wake up and i know this dream is from God trying to tell me something. i mull it over and for the life of me i can't think of what it means. i call a friend that i trust that interprets dreams to help me. she said that it's a warning. i'm going to meet a guy that has the appearance of a christian but is extremely superficial. the hats represents titles. he might have a title in the church, degrees even. but he's going to hurt me deeply and leave me stranded and terrified. and the fact that i was at hampton and in the football dorm may be that he went to college and played football. and by me leaving my phone i am leaving an investment. the only one that i know that fits that profile is 'B'. he didn't go to hampton but he is college educated, an entrepreneur, an author, even though he doesn't have a title in church, he is respected in the church and has given a "sermon". other than him i haven't met anyone new yet.

i don't believe 'B' has any interest in me, i don't think he has the balls to ask me out either. if he does, i can't wait to tell him no :) not just behind the dream but because of our past encounters.

i'm so thankful the warning nonetheless.

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