diaryland debacle 2019

Saturday, Jun. 15, 2019, 11:07 AM

well, i lost about 4 entries due to some diaryland "bug". too much of a coincidence if you ask me. turns out this bug caused an alert to appear only if you went back to re-read the entry, which i didn't do. this bug stated that my diary was offline and i needed to pay $20 bucks if i wanted to get it back. so at this point i'm beyond livid. i have to now pay $20 for an account that i've been using??!! what in the entire f#ck?! i go to the fb diaryland page to inquire if i'm the only one and i wasn't. the other victim noticed before i did. her errors were more restrictive than mine. she wasn't able to visit anyone else's diary. i could that's why i didn't notice the issue.

so i reach out to andrew and blow up his twitter account. i comment on multiple entries as well as sent him a DM to get him to respond. he notices me a day later and contacts me to troubleshoot. he assured me that he didn't make any significant changes but to be honest i really can't be sure. i don't see how a minor change can affect a handful of people and it not be intentional. but que se ra.

andrew fixed the issue but this is alarming. it is obvious that andrew is the only one maintaining the site...and not to the best of his ability i might add. if anything happens to him, whether it be a car wreck or natural disaster, my memories since 2002 are wiped away. i've already lost about 4 entries already and i'm bothered that i poured out my feelings and i can't get those memories back. i really need to stop being lazy and transition to a new site that is being maintained by more than one person and free of course.

good news. i scored elite status again at work. i get to make my own schedule again. working sun-wed for the next 3 months. that will be 9 out of the 12 months that i have my own schedule. i'm grateful. so grateful.

i have to take a quick nap. i ate cookies and i'm dealing with a significant sugar crash. pt 2 when i wake up.

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208? you don't say... - Thursday, Jun. 27, 2019
kneejerk reactions - Saturday, Jun. 22, 2019
and here we are - Sunday, Jun. 16, 2019
loneliness. second entry for the day. - Saturday, Jun. 15, 2019
diaryland debacle 2019 - Saturday, Jun. 15, 2019