
Thursday, Sept. 16, 2021, 11:59 PM

i just wrote a reflective essay to satisfy a requirement for one of my classes and i loved it. i love being able to articulate my thoughts which is a far cry from high school and college. my reluctance in writing came from a high school teacher i had leave disparaging words on a paper that i wrote and i was scarred all the way through college, even at my first job out of college. i hated writing. i believe this journal and gaining some confidence, as little as it might be, has helped me more than i could imagine. i really like this class because it's allowing me to learn more about myself. can you believe it? it's a college success class. i haven't even touched my assignments for my class required for nursing. although, she tickled my lazy gene by stating that the assignments have to be completed by the end of the course and the due dates listed can be ignored. she never should have told me that. i've been all but proactive in that course. i'm a good 7 chapters behind. but i'll make an effort to catch up this weekend.

well, i need to go to sleep because i have a lot to do in the morning before i go to class and to clinicals. tomorrow is orientation and we're not expected to do much tomorrow so i feel pretty good about that.

oh, on the biological clock front, my period started a week later than usual which i don't ever recall that happening. so i really have to embrace my menstrual cycle ending sooner than later. i can't be 23 forever now can i? the recent menstrual cup that i have been using isn't worth the silicon it's made of since my first month using it. i can't get the darn thing to open at all after i put it in. and on top of it feeling like it's as big as my fist, it's not catching any blood whatsoever. i had to resort back to using the first cup i purchased about 5 years ago. i could barely get it in due to the length. i had some issues with the new cup tugging on my cervix and i don't know if that caused a problem. i need to go to an ob/gyn to get a pap done just to make sure there aren't any problems. i may need to order a few pairs of thinx underwear just to help me with the leaks.

well, i need to go to bed now as it's after midnight and i need to be outta here by 730am and i'm not ready for tomorrow.

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bday, keith, clinicals - Sunday, Oct. 10, 2021
half birthday winning - Monday, Oct. 04, 2021
dirty 30 - Saturday, Oct. 02, 2021
a step in the right direction - Monday, Sept. 20, 2021
broken cookie - Friday, Sept. 17, 2021