
Sunday, Aug. 04, 2019, 9:50 AM

So I talked to Daryl yesterday until 6am. I was hyped up on sugar and desperate to talk. Our talk was convoluted full of fuzzy memories and then blatant lies.

Out of curiosity, I asked when he first showed interest in me because it still puzzles me That he was interested and never dropped any hints prior to the blanket. The lies ensued. Granted it was 20+ years ago but these were blatant lies. He said there was some interest before the blanket encounter because he kissed me prior when we were alone...And my shirt came off. Lies. There is no way my shirt came off on a first kiss. None. He was only able to lift my shirt for the blanket encounter and that was an unwanted advance anyway. Not only that, he says the blanket encounter (even after he admitted it in the previous conversation) nor the second encounter ever happened.

I called him on his lie. I said there is no way that he would only attempt to kiss me only once while in school. Why lie about it 20+ years later? To save face? That's absurd. And a turn off. I love honesty more than ever.

He asked me to blow him a kiss over the phone. I said, "no, the last time I kissed you, you came on me."

A friend asked me if there were any feelings there for him after so long. Nope. Not at all. Don't get me wrong I miss the flirtation. He indicates exactly what he missed which is even more impressive. He is absolutely enamoured by my beauty mark by my lip like the ones Marilyn Monroe and Cindy Crawford have. It's an old school trait that not many people are drawn to nowadays. However, when my crush withered away freshman year so did any interest. Twenty some odd years later I honestly can't see what I saw in him so long ago. Time does extraordinary things to your interests.

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because i got high - Friday, Aug. 09, 2019
i see light at the end of the tunnel - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2019
two paths - Wednesday, Aug. 07, 2019
so it seems i'm not a whore. i'm just loose. - Tuesday, Aug. 06, 2019
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