more dreams, more interpretations

Sunday, Sept. 14, 2014, 5:09 PM

I had some dreams recently that have stuck with me for a while. i reached out to a guy that i know that interprets dreams. here are my dreams and here is what he said:

dream - i was standing outside of my father's house in the middle of the street. the house is the one where i grew up and where he currently still resides. in the sky above me were passenger planes and fighter planes that i could make out between the breaks in the clouds. i could see the sky light up behind the clouds because of the gun fire but the clouds hid most of the fighting. they were in battle and moving so quickly that it was like watching the empire strikes back. the planes were going back and forth fighting until there was a huge explosion. debris fell everywhere all around me including the tail of the passenger plane on my father's house destroying it completely. then i woke up feeling i had just witnessed a war zone and destruction.

interpretation - after reading your dream, it has a lot to do with spiritual warefare. In this dream, God has preled back the spiritual blanket that hides that hides man's eyes to the spirit realm in order to show you some things that I believe are happening now. Your father's house represents roots or spiritual inheritance. It can also mean religeon. I believe God is trying to reveal that the spuritual warefare we face today needs to be attacked by fresh revelation and insight. If not, the way we use to do religion will not work in today's battle. This is the reason for the fighter plane's success in this battle. Fresh revelation and intimacy with God is the only thing that will bring salvation to helpless passengers in flight to their journeys. This is a dream for intercessors to begin praying for the fresh revelation of God to be released upon the earth.

dream #2 - i was getting ready for church and tina came by with her baby wanting a ride. we get in the car to head to church but end up a train station. in this train station i was being bothered/handled by a few riffraff. after getting away from them, we end up on the train and traveled longer than expected to get to church. when we get off the train i notice a sign with a friend's name on it that sells real estate in iowa. it dawns on me we have left kansas and are now in iowa. knowing this wasn't my intended destination, i decided to stay. then i woke up.

interpretation - Your other dream have to do with a season of preparation. This is indicative of the train station which in a dream means waiting for a place of change. as you were waiting in the season of change the riff raff in the dream means distraction. This part of the dream serves as a warning to not be distracted during a season of waiting. your friend in the dream could represent an unfamiliar place but a place that could represent comfort.
although it was not your intentions to be at that destination you somehow were led there by the Spirit and because it was nonintimidating, it became easy to stay. I believe this dream could just mean God is or has taken you through a season of change and it was specifically ordained by him.

The interpretations helped tremendously. i'm still weighing everything and meditating on what was said.

i was told something else on the prayer line yesterday morning. i was told that is positioning me to do something really great. i still need to pray about it. just to confirm.

a friend mentioned something on fb about writing goals. i write goals all the time but they get pushed out and forgotten about by daily drama. i need to figure out a way to write goals and keep them in the forefront. maybe if i make it a point to write weekly goals and focus on the discipline required to meet those weekly goals. something to ruminate.

i've been missing 'A' today. i'm feeling lonely. i gotta stay focused on my projects and books. i wonder if i still love him. i'm think i don't but i know miss the intimacy. yeah, that's exactly it. i just miss the intimacy.

the woman currently over the hospital advocacy program is leaving to go to another program. she said that if i wanted the position that i should apply for it this weekend. i weighed my options and i have to keep looking elsewhere. even though the position is quite fulfilling it's not quite what i'm looking for. i need a bit more freedom than the job will allow.

1. it's 8-5pm, M-F - i barely wake up at 7am. i'm spoiled on second shift. i actually wake up, spend time with God, read my bible, workout, make breakfast, etc...then i go to work. i'm in the right frame of mind doing going to work and that makes all the difference.
2. there is no option to work from home if needed.
3. horrible insurance.
4. more than half salary cut. actually 61%.
5. it requires a lot of driving. driving to 5 diff hospitals when required. rain, sleet, snow, traffic, etc... my car is 21 years only car. taking that job i won't be able to afford another one and take care of my home.

so with all those, it isn't the right job for me although it is fulfilling. it's not a dream job. i think i'm better off just doing volunteer work.

i went by my mama's grave today. i haven't seen her headstone since i ordered it. it came out really nice. i'm having a harder time this week. i know she's not suffering now.

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