i'm ready to leave.

Friday, Jul. 31, 2020, 7:40 PM

i went to the doc today to discuss birth control options to treat my fibroids. i'm not interested in the more invasive treatments, i.e., IUD, implants, depo. those come with a number of side effects that are more pronounced and more difficult to resolve. at least with the pill i can just stop taking it. hopefully, it will be an easy transition.

i've had a couple of periods since the 21-day period. it's normalized in length but it seems i'm guaranteed to have a heavy day where i change my cup 3-4 times a day. that's a lot of blood. perhaps i can take the pill back to back to stop my cycles altogether. they may be an option that i need to run by the new ob/gyn.

i haven't worked out in about 3 days. i've been a lazy bumpkin. my thoughts are running 10 miles a minute. i need to meditate so i can slow my thoughts and get my life together. i also have to plan to intercede for others regularly.

i broke down to a friend recently. all my physical insecurities. she followed it up with some healthy strategy that i'm going to start using. which is good because i've fallen back in to some bad habits in the depression arena. i plan to do a bunch of activities around the house and i end up couch surfing the entire 3 days. but i need to make things happen this weekend because my friend from jamaica flies back in town the weekend of the 4th. she'll be staying with me for 2 months. that i didn't want to happen as i don't want a roommate but she's in need because of her visa. she needs to be in the states for a length of time to make sure her visa stays valid. she had planned to move to florida by may but covid hit and destroyed everything. so now i have a roommate until she goes back to jamaica in october. she's going to have to find a job working from home as i'm not going to feel comfortable with her going in and out the house for work. i'm not sure what else she can do for work at home but i need her to find something.

i'm going to make up my bed and turn in a little earlier tonight. i've been wasting hours in front of the tv or on social media.

shameika had a grandson for a few days. he was born premature at 5 months. initially he was fine but he started shutting down. she sounded excited when he was born but it never did sit well with my spirit. i didn't feel that he was going to make it. i was praying that he would. both shameika and tay are devastated.

i want to go on vacation. i need to get out of this house but it seems like it will be another 2 years before i can travel. this is going to be a rough couple of years. i talked to another nurse today on the phone. she wasn't optimistic about the vaccine nor peoples' ability to follow suggestions for the pandemic.

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210ish, 70 more to go. - Sunday, Nov. 01, 2020
pondering life through my eyes. - Saturday, Oct. 24, 2020
my absence, a text, desires and a dream. - Sunday, Oct. 04, 2020
unpacking my crap, literally and spiritually - Saturday, Aug. 22, 2020
Holee Shyt! - Friday, Aug. 14, 2020